Sunday, September 7, 2008

First post on my Blog

OK, first of all welcome to my Blog.

The main idea behind this Blog is to tell you guys about life in Israel.

My name is Or (In Hebrew the meaning is Light) and I'm going to be a student in Bar-Ilan University in a little bit more then a month from now.

I was born and raised in Ramat-Gan, Israel, which is just 5 minutes from Tel-Aviv.
I went to school Here, served in the IDF for three and a half years, I love this country for the good things and the bad ones.

Last year I traveled the world for about a year, I've been to the US and south America, it was a great time.
I saw beautiful places and met a lot of great people, but the thing that surprised me the most was that many people don't know anything about Israel or even worse, they "know" Wrong things about this country, I remember one day talking to my friends from Michigan and they asked me whether we have electricity or cars in Israel and if there is always fights around here ?? and then I realized, even If I think that because people hear about Israel every day on the news they know this country, they still don't know almost anything about this place.

So I am going to tell you about life around here from my point of view, from my stories, pictures and videos, so you can see the difference between things that happens here and things that happens in your country.

Why "The Simple Life - Israel" ?

Well, You know that Paris Hilton show right ? so there is not any connection but I liked the name and the idea so I took it.

So stay tuned.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Or ,

Good luck with your new blog : )