Many people think that because Israel is a Jewish country it's a also necessarily religious country.
But this is simply not true.
According to a survey from march 2008, 51% of the Jewish population in Israel defines itself as secular, 30% call themselves traditionalist and the rest are religious.
It means that Israel is far from being a religious country.
Modern life seems to create new reality here, in fact more and more Israelis who are Jewish don't practice Jewish customs at all.
For example, During my trip I found out that most of the people were surprised to discover that I watch the same TV shows and listen to the same music as they do.
TV in Israel ? isn't it in the middle east ??
It took about 5 minutes to understand that I know Jerry, George and Kramer as well as they do.
The culture in Israel became completely western. On our cable TV you can find many TV programs from the US, some are new and some are old: Seinfeld, Friends, The Office, ER, Lost, etc.

We even get many International Channels like CNN, MTV, HBO and much more.
Unlike many other countries that use dubbing for foreign TV programs, the programs here are broadcast in English with Hebrew Subtitles.
Some of the shows are broadcast here few hours after it broadcasts in the US like American Idol. We also have Israeli Shows, some are based on International shows like "Kochav Nolad", the Israeli version of American Idol.

But many shows are Israeli Original, they are filmed in Israel, the actors and actresses are Israeli, and of course the story was written by Israelis.
Some of the shows are very successful and Foreign Networks buys the rights for the scripts and make their own local version.
On the Radio it is very similar, I would say that about half of the songs on the radio are in English.
We enjoy U2, Rhianna, Madonna and more all day long.
Lets do something interesting, this is a link to Galgalatz - Israeli Radio Station, press the link and you can listen to an Israeli station- Live. Now, you will find out that some of the songs are the same as the songs on your local Radio station.
Most of the day (Israel time) there will be music there and during the night, there will be more talking.
The talking of course will be in Hebrew.
One of the interesting things that you will discover is that each hour, "on the hour" (ex. 11:00, 16:00, 17:00 etc.) you will hear a 5 minutes news update (On most of the Stations).
Well, it is Israel after all.
So enjoy the music :)
Looks nice
you are doing a holy work here
Thanks man :)
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